AMSI Receives 2,725 Supplement Packages from Pyridam Farma
Jakarta, the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (AMSI) received 2,725 supplement packages from Pyridam Farma to be distributed to AMSI member media in 21 provinces. The General Chairperson of AMSI said that this assistance was valuable for journalists in the field because the number of COVID-19 positives was still high. “Currently, the media are still required to carry out the task of providing information to the public so that they can act appropriately during a pandemic,” he said during his speech during the virtual handover of supplements, Wednesday (7/4).
He added that at the time of this pandemic disaster the media were asked to work harder because the need for information increased faster.
“As an AMSI organization, we think about keeping the media crew members safe while in the field, maintaining health, and implementing health protocols,” said Wenseslaus Manggut.
He conveyed that health supplement assistance is very valuable for journalists. “Moreover, the current situation, society is like normal. Protection treatment for journalists needs to be higher. Apart from asking journalists to be careful when reporting, supplement assistance is an effort to maintain health to minimize major risks, “he said.
Meanwhile, dr. Widjanarko Brotosaputro, Director of Pyridam Farma, said that supplement assistance is provided as a form of support for the media from the pharmaceutical industry. “The pharmaceutical industry is greatly helped by the media. The media provide support by providing explanations, enlightening the public, and rectifying misinformation during the pandemic, “he said.
The ceremonial handover of this aid was coupled with a health discussion “Healthy Living in the New Normal Era Towards Herd Immunity”. The main speaker for this discussion was dr. Widjanarko Brotosaputro or commonly called dr. Paul. In his presentation, he explained herd immunity to break the chain of transmission. Herd immunity can be realized if a large part of the population has been protected, either through immunization.
In addition, he stressed,
“Herd immunity is needed so that vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccines are kept in safe health. For example, elderly people who cannot leave the house, people with mental disorders, or other vulnerable groups, including children. “
He also suggested that during a pandemic, it is necessary to maintain a healthy body, eat healthily, move more, reduce stress (stress-less), and share the love with others (love more). “Easy physical activity by walking and eating less processed carbohydrates and increasing consumption of vegetables and fruit,” he said.
The discussion which was attended by around 30 editorial leaders and media representatives of AMSI members was followed by a question and answer session. Questions that arise include the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent transmission and vaccination in children. Responding to this question, dr. Paul explained that vaccination is not a 100 percent guarantee of non-exposure. “But vaccination can reduce symptoms and reduce the fatality rate when exposed to the disease,” he said.
He emphasized that people who have received vaccines still need to protect their health. In addition, survivors of COVID-19 still need to carry out health protocols so they do not transmit or re-contract.
“Until now, there is no definite answer that the survivor cannot infect other people, because there is still an incubation period. It is important for survivors and people who have been vaccinated to keep wearing masks and carry out health protocols to protect themselves and others. “
He said that in the case of survivors who were later exposed again, it could happen because they had congenital or comorbid diseases other than COVID-19 (comorbid). Unfortunately at this time, patients with COVID-19 cannot do an autopsy so that the real cause cannot be answered with certainty. “And keep in mind that not all survivors have sufficient antibodies or antibodies appear immediately after being declared cured. “We need further tests for antibodies, which are unfortunately still quite expensive,” he said.
In addition, he explained that phase three clinical trials have not been carried out in children. In children in conditions of low nutritional level or disaster, the potential for infection from adults around them. “So that those who need to be vaccinated are adults,” he said. ***
About PT Pyridam Farma Tbk.
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk is a pharmaceutical company whose main business is the production and/or distribution of modern and traditional medicines as well as the distribution of medical devices such as laboratory equipment as well as PCR test kits. The company was founded in 1976 and has been a public company and has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 2001.
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. manufactures a wide range of pharmaceutical products such as Antibiotics, Vitamins, Supplements, and Traditional Herbal Treatments. The company has more than 200 products in the form of tablets, caplets, capsules, cream syrups, and ointments. In addition, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. also manufactures prescription products such as penicillin and non-penicillin antibiotics, and painkillers, as well as non-prescription products for vitamins, cold and cough suppressants, and antipyretics.