Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary acts as a liaison between the Company and stakeholders; to ensure the shareholders, relevant authorities (including Financial Services Authority), and the public obtain all important information related to the Company in a timely, complete and accurate manner. In addition, Corporate Secretary is also responsible for monitoring the Company’s compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations;
Legal Reference for Appointment of the Corporate Secretary
Pursuant to Financial Service Authority Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 regarding Corporate Secretary of Issuer or Public Company, the Company has appointed Herdiasti Anggitya Dwisani as Corporate Secretary of the Company based on Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. (the “Company”) No. 109/PYFA-DIR/E/VIII/2024 dated 20 August 2024 regarding the Termination and Appointment of Corporate Secretary.

Herdiasti Anggitya Dwisani
Indonesian, 31 years old
Anggitya holds a Bachelor of Law (Sarjana Hukum) degree from Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya (Jakarta, Indonesia) in 2015 and is currently studying for a Master of Laws at Universitas Pelita Harapan (Jakarta, Indonesia) . She previously worked as a legal consultant at several law firms, namely HWMA Law Firm and Leks&Co Lawyers where she has more than seven years experiences in handling and representing major multinational companies in various industry with specialization in capital market, merger and acquisition, general corporate commercial matters, domestic and foreign investment, and regulatory matters.
Phone: (021) 53690112
Fax: (021) 5329049