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Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR Activities

Right from its founding and establishment, the Company has established a good relationship with the surrounding community both in the head office and in the factory. The Company understands that its existence cannot be separated from its environment, so that good relations with the principle of mutual benefit need to be maintained and wherever possible, intensified. As a tangible manifestation of concern for the surrounding community, especially the unable people, the Company has carried out various social activities such as: routine and free giving of medicines to the several polyclinics and public health service centers located around the head office or factory and donations in the form of a sum of money to public health service centers around factory for the purchase of milk.

The inseparability of the Company from its environment, which provides the Company with land, labours and natural resources, is undoubtedly. Therefore, maintaining the environment is the Company’s responsibility. In realizing its environmental responsibility, the Company deploys a waste water treatment system with a modern and advanced technology. The waste water is treated to make it safe before it is released back to the nature. The treated waste water is then collected in the waste water pond. The agile and fast growing fishes kept therein proves its good quality. The greenery on the hills. Surrounding factory are also well maintained.

CSR social activities conducted by the Company, among others, are:

  • Routine donations of medicines for Village Health Centres nearby the plant.
  • Routine donation of medicines for Social Foundations.
  • Qurban donation Villages nearby the plant.

The Company is committed to maintaining a balance between economic, social and environmental objectives, which aim to give a positive impact on people’s lives and the conservation of the environment.


• Policy:

It is the Company’s understanding that only competent manpower can positively contribute to the Company for its well-being. Therefore, internal trainings are continually provided to the employees and, in the same way, the Company sends them to various seminars to educate and to enrich and broaden their knowledge.

• Program:

The training program comprises knowledge about GMP (good manufacturing practice), pharmaceutical product quality control and monitoring, as well as, the production equipment and related machinery.

Product Responsibility

As a company engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk has implemented Pharmacovigilance (PV) in its operational activities and formed a special Pharmacovigilance division. Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities concerning with the detection, assessment, comprehension, as well as prevention of side effects or other drug-related problems. The aims of Pharmacovigilance activities are to improve patient care and safety in relation to the use of medicines; and to support public health programs by providing reliable and balanced information for risk-benefit analysis of the drugs. These activities are also completed by routine and/or incidental reporting (as necessary) to the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration.

Although the medicines produced by PT Pyridam Farma Tbk are post-patent medicines, which mean that they have been around for a long time (5 to 10 years, or even more) with the proven track records with regards to safety, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk is committed to always monitor and evaluate the safety profile of all our products.

When side effects occur while taking and using PT Pyridam Farma Tbk’s products, consumers can report it immediately to PT Pyridam Farma Tbk through the following e-mail: