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Establishment of Four Subsidiaries in Indonesia

Referring to Financial Service Authority (“OJK”) Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 on Information Disclosure of Material Facts by Issuer of Public Company and the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Indonesia No. Kep. 00015/BEI/01-2021 on the Amendment of Regulation No. I-E concerning Obligations to Submit Information, we, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. (“Company”) hereby inform that on 22 and 23 March 2021, 4 (four) subsidiaries have been established as follow:

1. PT Mega Inter Distrindo

Pursuant to Deed of Establishment No. 07 , dated 23 March 2021 , made before Mudita Chitta Odang, S.H., M.Kn,, Notary in Bekasi, which has obtained the ratification as a legal entity based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0020407.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2021, dated 23 March 2021, as registered under the Company Register maintained by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia under No. AHU-0053996.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2021, dated 23 March 2021, a subsidiary has been established as follows:

a. Name of subsidiary:
PT Pyfa Medika Indonesia

b. Place of business:
South Jakarta

c. Business activities:
Retail trade of pharmaceutical goods in pharmacies; laboratory, pharmaceutical and health equipment; laboratory testing services; and activities to support health services.

d. Capitalization:
Authorized Capital: IDR 200,000,000
Issued and Paid-Up Capital: IDR 50,000,000
(with nominal value per share of IDR 500,000)

e. Shareholders:
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk = 99% or equal to IDR 49,500,000.
PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia = 1% or equal to IDR 500,000

(PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia on the date of establishment of PT Pyfa Medika Indonesia is a subsidiary that is 99% owned by the Company.)

f. The reason of establishment of the subsidiary:
To support the Company’s business activities.


2. PT Mega Inter Distrindo

Pursuant to Deed of Establishment No. 05 , dated 23 March 2021 , made before Mudita Chitta Odang, S.H., M.Kn,, Notary in Bekasi, which has obtained the ratification as a legal entity based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0020401.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2021 , dated 23 March 2021, as registered under the Company Register maintained by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia under No. AHU-0053981.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2021, dated 23 March 2021, a subsidiary has been established as follows:

a. Name of subsidiary: PT Mega Inter Distrindo
Place of business: South Jakarta

b. Business activities:
Large trade in pharmaceutical; traditional medicine; cosmetics; as well as laboratory, pharmaceutical and medical equipment.

c. Capitalization:
Authorized Capital: IDR 200,000,000
Issued and Paid-Up Capital: IDR 50,000,000
(with nominal value per share of IDR 500,000)

d. Shareholders:
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk = 99% or equal to IDR 49,500,000.
PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia = 1% or equal to IDR 500,000

(PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia on the date of establishment of PT Mega Inter Distrindo is a subsidiary that is 99% owned by the Company.)

e. The reason of establishment of the subsidiary:
To support the Company’s business activities.


3. PT Pyfa Investama Medika


Pursuant to Deed of Establishment No. 06 , dated 23 March 2021 , made before Mudita Chitta Odang, S.H., M.Kn,, Notary in Bekasi, which has obtained the ratification as a legal entity based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0020406.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2021, dated 23 March 2021 , as registered under the Company Register maintained by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia under No. AHU-0053995.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2021, dated 23 March 2021, a subsidiary has been established as follows:


a. Name of subsidiary:
PT Pyfa Investama Medika

b. Place of business:
South Jakarta

c. Business activities:
Large trade with fees or based on contracts; holding company activities; accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; other management consulting activities; business consulting and business brokerage activities; and the activities of joint office administration service providers

d. Capitalization:
Authorized Capital: IDR 200,000,000
Issued and Paid-Up Capital: IDR 50,000,000
(with nominal value per share of IDR 500,000)

e. Shareholders:
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk = 99% or equal to IDR 49,500,000.
PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia = 1% or equal to IDR 500,000

(PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia on the date of establishment of PT Pyfa Investama Medika is a subsidiary that is 99% owned by the Company.)
f. The reason of establishment of the subsidiary:
To support the Company’s business activities.


4. PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia


Pursuant to Deed of Establishment No. 04 , dated 22 March 2021 , made before Mudita Chitta Odang, S.H., M.Kn,, Notary in Bekasi, which has obtained the ratification as a legal entity based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No AHU-0020056.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2021, dated 22 March 2021, as registered under the Company Register maintained by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia under No AHU-0052973.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2021., dated 22 March 2021, a subsidiary has been established as follows:

a. Name of subsidiary:
PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia

b. Place of business:
South Jakarta

c. Business activities:
(i) Retail trade of pharmaceutical goods (in pharmacies and non-pharmacies); traditional medicine; cosmetics; laboratory, pharmaceutical and health equipment; (ii) retail trade through the media; (iii) packaging activities; and (iv) web portals and/or digital platforms for commercial purposes.

d. Capitalization:
Authorized Capital: IDR 200,000,000
Issued and Paid-Up Capital: IDR 50,000,000
(with nominal value per share of IDR 500,000)

e. Shareholders:
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk = 99% or equal to IDR 49,500,000.
Mr. Yenfrino Gunadi = 1% or equal to IDR 500,000

f. The reason of establishment of the subsidiary:
To support the Company’s business activities.
(Mr. Yenfrino Gunadi serves as Director of the Company on the date of establishment of PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia.)

The source of funds used by the Company to establish the 4 subsidiaries above comes from the Company’s operational funds.

There is no material impact of the establishment of the subsidiaries above to the Company’s operational activities, legal and financial condition, or business continuity of the Company.

The similar information is also submitted by Company through Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Website and reported to Financial Services Authority (OJK).


Jakarta, 24 March 2021

PT Pyridam Farma Tbk.

Corporate Secretary

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