Maura Linda Sitanggang
Maura Linda Sitanggang holds S. Farm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) from Bandung Institute of Technology (1981), Apt. (Pharmacist) degree from Bandung Institute of Technology (1982), and Ph.D degree from University of Bath, UK (1988).
She has more than 30 years of experience in health and professional services. She has previous experiences, such as Director of Product Evaluation at National Agency of Drug and Food Control R.I. (2001-2012), General Director of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices at Ministry of Health R.I. (2012-2018), Chair of the Supervisory Board in several hospitals namely yaitu RSU Persahabatan Jakarta, RSU Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar and RS Pusat Otak Nasional Jakarta (2014-2020). She has been trusted as Expert in international organizations, such as a Short-term Experts in World Health Organization (WHO) 2002 – 2017 and Long-term Expert in United Nation Development Program (UNDP) 2020 - 2021. She also Lecturer at University of Gajah Mada (1989-2019) and University of Pancasila (2012-present).