PT Pyridam Farma Tbk (PYFA) and RGCC Forge Strategic Partnership, Bringing Cancer Treatment Innovation to Indonesia
In a joint effort to combat cancer and improve access to quality treatments, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk (PYFA) and Research Genetic Cancer Center (RGCC) have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in the journey of both companies to provide innovative health solutions for the Indonesian people.
PYFA, as a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, has high-quality production facilities and a broad distribution network to deliver quality health products to the Indonesian people.
RGCC is a leading Swiss cancer research institution specializing in cancer research, developing innovative diagnostic tests and personalized cancer drug development. With in-depth expertise in cancer genetics, RGCC is able to provide comprehensive data to diagnose cancer early and determine the most appropriate and effective therapy for each patient individually.
PYFA, as part of the PYFAGROUP, which consists of leading pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia, has an extensive distribution network to deliver quality health products to the Indonesian people. Through this collaboration, PYFA will partner with RGCC to market and distribute RGCC’s innovative products in the Indonesian market, so that more patients can benefit from personalized cancer therapy. On the other hand, RGCC will provide support and become PYFA’s partner to enter the European market and meet quality standards in accordance with European standards.
Dr. Widjanarko Brotosaputro, Director of PT Pyridam Farma Tbk, stated, “The collaboration with RGCC is a strategic step for PYFA to strengthen our position as a leader in the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry. We are very optimistic that this partnership will have a significant positive impact on public health, especially in the fight against cancer.”
PYFA is committed to continuing to build partnerships and collaborate with strategic partners to drive innovation and development of quality health products.