The Completion of the Subscription of New Shares in the Fullerton Health Indonesia Group by PT Pyfa Investama Medika
Referring to Financial Service Authority (“OJK”) Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 on Information Disclosure of Material Facts by Issuer of Public Company, we, PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. (“Company”) hereby inform:
Company is the 99.00% shareholder from the total issued and paid-up capital of PT Pyfa Investama Medika (“PIM”), in which PIM’s financial statements are consolidated with the Company. As a follow up of our report in Information Disclosure No. 021/PYFA-CS/IV/2021 dated 22 April 2021 (“KI 021/2021”), Company reports that PIM has completed the transaction of subscription of new shares that results subscribe new shares which will result PIM in having minority shareholding of 10% of issued and paid-up capital (outside treasury shares) in PT E-Tirta Medical Centre (“EMC”), PT Fullerton Health Indonesia (“FHI”), PT Global Assistance and Healthcare (“GAH”) and PT Global Asistensi Medika (“GAM”) on 4 June 2021 (“Shares Subscription Transaction”). Shares Subscription Transaction by PIM is carried out through 4 Shares Subscription Agreement (“SSA”) on 21 April 2021 with each EMC, FHI, GAH, and GAM, with the following details:
a. Transacting Parties
- PIM;
- EMC;
- Fullerton Healthcare Group Pte. Limited;
- FHI;
- GAH; and
b. Relationship of the Transacting Parties
Either the Company or PIM has no direct or indirect Affiliate relationship with other parties in each of the SSA.
c. Transaction Value
d. Objective of the Transaction
To expand the Company’s group business activities.
The impact of such Material Information or Facts on the Company’s financial condition is on the Company’s Financial Statements which there is a change in the composition of the profit (loss), attributable to the Company, due to the indirect ownership of the Company’s shares in FHI, EMC, GAH, and GAM.
There is no material impact of the incident, information or material facts on the operational, legal, and business continuity of the Company.
The similar information is also submitted by Company through Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Website and reported to Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Jakarta, 4 June 2021
PT Pyridam Farma Tbk.
Corporate Secretary