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Lando 150 & 300

Lando 150 & 300


Each capsule Lando-150 contains
Clindamycin base   150 mg as
Each capsule Lando-300 contains
Clindamycin base   300 mg as
Clindamycin HCL.H2O

Clindamycin is an antimicrobial and acts by inhibition of protein synthesis binding 50 S ribrosomal sub-units of susceptible
Clindamycin is effective against Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus viridans and Staphylococcus
aureus (either sensitive or resistant to penicilins and including the penicillinase-producing).
Lando is absorbed almost completely after oral administration.  Peak concentration in blood is reached within 1 hour.
The drug penetrates quickly into the tissue, body, fluids, skeleton and pus.  Its half life is 2.5 hours and primarily eliminated
through the liver.

Serious infections caused by organisms sensitive of Clindamycin include upper and lower respiratory tract infections, otitis
media, skin infections, osteomyclitis, anaerobic infections.

Patients hypersensitive to Clindamycin.
Patients with diarrhea, liver and kidney function disturbances.
Atopic individuals, e.g. the asthmatic and allergic patients.  It is not indicated for the treatment of mild infections caused by
bacteria and viruses.

Hypersensitive reactions e.g. urticaria, skin rash and pruritus.  Gastrointestinal disturbances, e.g. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
and colitis.

Adult :
For serious infections : 150-300 mg, 6-hourly.
For more severe infections : 450 mg, 6-hourly.
Children more than 1 month old :
For serious infections : 8-16 mg/kg body weight/day given in 3-4 divided doses.
For more severe infections : 16-20 mg/kg body weight / day given in 3-4 divided doses.

Use in pregnancy and lactating mothers and new born infants has not been elucidated.
Caution should be exercised in administering the antibiotics to patients with allergy and asthmatic.
Clindamycin therapy has been associated with severe colitis which may end fatally.
When Clindamycin is indicated in the patients, they should be carefully monitored for change in bowel frequency.
Lando capsule should be prescribed with caution in individuals with a history of gastrointestinal disease.  During prolonged
therapy, periodic liver and kidney function test and blood counts should be performed.
The use of Lando occasionally results in overgrowth of non-susceptible  organism-particularly yeast.

In a cool and dry place.

Lando-150 : Box of 10×10’s. Reg.No. DKL9421007401B1
Lando-300 : Box of 5×10’s.   Reg.No. DKL9421007401C1

On medical prescription only.